Code Viewer

Feplet (.mustache) code can be viewed in the Fepper UI by clicking the eyeball icon in the upper right and then clicking Code. The Code Viewer will then be opened, displaying the Feplet code of the pattern, and the partials tags within will be hot-linked to open their respective patterns in the main panel of the Fepper UI.

If the pattern has an associated .md file, its Markdown code can be viewed by clicking the "Markdown" tab. In order for the Code Viewer to allow edits to the Markdown, Fepper must be LiveReloading correctly. In most cases, LiveReload will just work out-of-the-box.

If the project was set up with Git, the Markdown edits can be version controlled with the Code Viewer's Git Interface as well.

Most Developers should be familiar with setting up projects with Git. It is beyond the scope of this document to provide much further instruction on Git. However, Editors are encouraged to version-control their edits with Git if collaborating with others.

In order to get Editors set up with Git, first make sure Git is installed. Then, install GitHub CLI (macOS and Windows only). A CLI requires a Terminal app, but Editors will generally only need this for setup and background operations. In fact, much of the setup can be automated within clickable scripts.

To proceed, an account must be registered at, and GitHub CLI installed as per the instructions in the previous link. Then, run the following in the Terminal:

macOS and Windows:
git config --global name@email.address
git config --global 'User Name'
gh auth login

After issuing the gh auth login command, press Enter to accept each default. After accepting to login with a web browser, press Enter to open the authentication webpage. Sign in to GitHub if necessary. Then, enter the 8-character code from the Terminal. Click to Authorize github. If the webpage shows success, return to the Terminal. It should say, "Authentication complete. Press Enter to continue..."

After pressing Enter to exit the prompt, Editors should be able to use the Git Interface with no more prompts for authentication.

Linux and other Unix-like OSs:

It is not recommended to use Fepper's graphical Git Interface in Linux and other, more obscure Unix-like OSs. It is not straightforward to authenticate with GitHub CLI in such OSs. The technical knowledge required to authenticate would be better applied using Git as intended for Developers.